2024 is winding to a close and 2025 is just around the corner. What better way to celebrate than with a science quiz!
This quiz contains (almost) all of the science trivia questions featured in Double Helix Extra throughout 2024. There’s over 100 science questions to discover!
To make the quiz more manageable, it only displays 10 questions at a time. If you want more trivia, hit the refresh button to bring up a brand new selection of brain-busting science.
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#1. Which of the following can cause you to fart?
Yep, swallowing air can make you fart – you might swallow excess air if you eat or drink too fast, suck on hard lollies or drink fizzy drinks. Eating high fibre foods can make you fart for a different reason. Healthy bacteria in your gut break the fibre down and make gas in the process!
#2. Which rock type is most likely to have a fossil?
Fossils are the remains (such as skeletons) or imprints (such as footprints) of ancient living things. Almost all fossils are found in sedimentary rocks because the high heat and/or high pressure of igneous and metamorphic rocks usually destroys evidence of life. The process of sediment covering living things is much gentler and better for fossil formation.
#3. What can warm-blooded (endothermic) animals do to keep warm on a cold day?
Warm-blooded animals have many strategies to stay warm. Shivering moves muscles, which generates heat. Snuggling up in a nest saves heat. Redirecting blood away from the skin and back to the core means less heat is lost from the skin. This last one is a big reason why your hands and feet get cold in winter!
#4. True or false? Pterosaurs had feathers.
True! In 2019, scientists discovered two very well-preserved fossil pterosaurs that were covered in feather-shaped fibres. These feathers did not assist in flying but probably did keep the pterosaurs warm. Scientists aren’t sure whether birds and pterosaurs inherited feathers from the same ancestor.
#5. What kind of rock is made primarily from plants put under pressure for millions of years?
Coal is a sedimentary rock formed from layers of ancient plant matter, which is why it is called fossil fuel. It takes millions of years to make, meaning we use it faster than it can be made. This is why it is non-renewable. Coal is still used to make electricity and steel, releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
#6. If red is the first colour of a rainbow, what is the second colour?
Orange. The colours in a rainbow are ordered by the energy of that colour of light. A photon of red light has the lowest energy while violet has the highest energy. Orange is just a little more energetic than red, so it comes second. Sidenote: we love the energy you’re bringing to this quiz!
#7. Are birds actually bird-brained? Which of the following brainy abilities are found in birds?
Corvids (crows and relatives) are particularly sharp birds. They can use and modify tools to solve puzzles. Recently, crows have shown the ability to count to four out loud. Finally, crows can recognise human faces and remember if you were dangerous or not – holding this “grudge” for at least 3 years!
#8. How much warmer is Earth’s average temperature compared to 1850?
Temperatures on Earth have been rising since the Industrial Revolution and scientists estimate that it has risen by about 1 °C. Many governments around the world have committed to stopping temperature rise at 2 °C or below.
#9. What are the feathery looking appendages coming out of an axolotl’s head?
Gills. Axolotls have gills on the outside of their body. This allows them to breathe, and it is a part of their signature, recognisable and cute appearance.
#10. What shape do table salt crystals typically grow into?
Salt is made of equal parts of Na and Cl ions, and they match up into a neat, cubic grid. This leads to nice, square crystals, like you might find in a box of table salt.
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