
Time for some super science trivia! This quiz has a selection from all the trivia questions we wrote in 2021. And if you’re hankering for more, you can get a new set of questions by reloading this web page!



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#1. What’s the coldest temperature ever recorded in Antarctica?

The coldest temperature recorded in Antarctica was −89.2° C at Vostok station in 1983.

#2. Ediacarans are fossil organisms that are named after the South Australian Ediacara Hills, but what kind of lifeforms were they?

Ediacarans are the earliest complex lifeforms that we have discovered. They come in a range of shapes, from fronds to tubes and even some that look like inflatable mattresses!

#3. Over millions of years, crude oil can form from algae, bacteria and which of these other sources?

Crude oil forms from algae, bacteria and sea creatures that sink to the seafloor and are fossilised.

#4. The three stars closest to our Sun are named after which mythical animal?

Proxima Centauri and the two stars of Alpha Centauri are all named after the centaur.

#5. The Scoville scale is used to measure food, but what does it tell you?

The Scoville scale is used to measure the spiciness of chillies. It’s based on how much sugar water you need to add to a sample until you can’t taste the spiciness anymore.

#6. What kind of samples are kept in a herbarium?

The Australian National Herbarium has more than a million plant specimens, as well as lichens, fungi, slime moulds and algae.

#7. How many long bones are commonly found in a human arm?

3. The humerus bone runs from the shoulder to the elbow, and the radius and ulna bones run from the elbow to the wrist.

#8. Where would you find your orbital bones?

Your orbital bones are the parts of your skull that surround the eye.

#9. What kind of signals are sent through an optical fibre?

Optical fibres are thin strands of glass or plastic that carry light signals. They work over longer distances than wires do, and they aren’t affected by magnets or mobile phone signals.

#10. Vanguard 1 was the fourth artificial satellite launched into orbit, and the oldest one still in space. When was it launched?

Vanguard 1 was launched on 17 March 1958, meaning it has been in orbit for more than 63 years!

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