
Here’s our megaquiz for the year! Below are 10 questions picked from every quiz we wrote in 2020. If you want more questions, just hit refresh and we’ll grab you another 10. Good luck!


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#1. The standard note for tuning instruments is A (above middle C). At what frequency does the note vibrate?

440 Hz sounds as an A and it is now the standard tuning note for instruments. While music has a long history, this standard was only implemented by the International Organization for Standardization in 1955.

#2. You can find astroblemes at Vredefort, Chicxulub and Wolfe Creek, but what exactly are astroblemes?

Astroblemes are impact craters. The name means ‘star wound’.

#3. Where would you find a mangrove forest?

Mangroves are shrubs and trees that grow in shallow water on the coast.

#4. What type of chemical is gluten?

Gluten is a group of proteins that are found in wheat.

#5. How long does it take light to travel to our solar system from the nearby star system Alpha Centauri?

Alpha Centauri is the nearest star system to ours, about 4.37 light years away.

#6. Flower farmers near Rotorua use geothermal energy to heat their greenhouses, but where does geothermal energy come from?

Geothermal energy comes from hot rocks underground, and can often be found near volcanoes.

#7. What do you call an animal that is only active during the daytime?

Diurnal animals are active during the day.

#8. Which of the following elements is represented as P on the periodic table?

The letter P represents phosphorus. Potassium is K, polonium is Po, and tungsten is W.

#9. What type of diet are humans adapted to?

Humans are able to survive on both plant and animal matter, so they are omnivores.

#10. What would you use to treat a case of myopia?

Myopia is another name for short-sightedness.

Was I right?

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Black lightning bolt in purple circle



3 responses

  1. Terry Avatar

    Hey, I got 9 right, missed moons of Pluto, but you gave me an 8/10. Looks like you program did not account for the extra 5 question, just the first five since I aced the last 5.

    1. David Avatar

      Hi Terry,
      Thanks for the feedback! Sadly, the quiz changes every time you load it, so I can’t get the same bug to appear. But let us know if it happens again, and I’ll dig a bit deeper.

      If you want another quiz, just press f5 on the quiz page to refresh the page.

  2. Terry Avatar

    Hi David,
    I thought there might be a larger problem, though very minro,` and you would get a number of responses so I wanted to be first. :-} All is good.

    Thank you

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