
Get ready because it’s megaquiz time! Put your science knowledge to the ultimate test with 10 random questions that have appeared on our quizzes this year. With 100+ questions to draw from, you’re sure to find a challenge.

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#1. Which of the following orca facts is actually a myth?

In the wild, orcas don’t usually attack humans and in some instances have been known to protect human divers from other threats. Recently, a small group of orcas have been attacking sailing ships off the coast of Spain. Experts think that one orca got hurt by a boat and has been teaching other orcas to attack boat rudders.

#2. Which of the following marsupial facts is actually an urban myth?

Koalas have successfully evolved to eat the toxins in eucalyptus leaves and they do not get sick or “drugged” from eating them. It takes a lot of energy to break down the leaves though, so koalas sleep to save energy.

#3. True or false: the human blood is red because it contains the protein haemoglobin.

Haemoglobin is found in your red blood cells. This protein contains iron, which helps to attract oxygen molecules from the air you breathe.

#4. Jean Calment was the oldest human recorded in recent human history. How old was she when she died in 1997?

Jean Calment was the oldest human recorded in recent human history, and she lived for 122 years and 164 days!

#5. Spitfires or sawfly larvae don’t actually spit fire to fend off hungry birds and other predators, but what do they actually do?

Spitfires regurgitate eucalyptus goop to fend off predators.

#6. True or false? The tallest human who ever lived was just over 3 metres tall.

False. The American Robert Wadlow was the tallest person ever recorded at 2.72 metres tall. His staggering height was caused by a problem with his pituitary gland, which controls growth.

#7. What’s the main reason that plants have flowers?

Flowers are the reproductive organs of a plant. They ensure that pollen reaches the flower’s ovary (usually in the base of the flower) where seeds will start to develop.

#8. Regenerative agriculture can help make farming more sustainable by helping soils recover and become more fertile. Which of the following actions can help to create healthy soils?

By growing lots of different plants, you can create a complex environment where lots of roots can interact with different parts of the soil to keep it alive and happy.

#9. When working with paints, mixing two primary colours together makes a secondary colour. Which of the following is a secondary colour?

Red, blue, and yellow are the primary colours when working with paint. Mixing blue and yellow makes green, a secondary colour.

#10. Where else in the world can you find marsupials?

While most marsupials live in Australia and nearby New Guinea, about 30% of species can be found in the Americas, including one species, the Virginia opossum, in North America.

Was I right?

Want even more? Try past megaquizzes:
2022 Megaquiz
2021 Megaquiz
2020 Megaquiz


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