By David Shaw, 4 February 2021
There are round-faced koalas and pointy-nosed bandicoots, sugar gliders with giant eyes and Tassie devils with powerful jaws. Marsupials have such wonderful and varied faces! But have you ever wondered how their brains look?
By David Shaw, 6 January 2021
By Celia Berrell A sunny day, a balmy breeze with birdsong wafting from the trees. We know if birds should see a threat their songs will change. Alarms are sent. The creatures ‘round upon the ground respond to those alarming sounds. They know those birds have better views, so listen for those tweeting clues. Anxious […]
By David Shaw, 10 December 2020
Does your family use chemicals – like bug spray – to keep insects and other creepy crawlies out of your house? An international team of scientists just found that some sparrows do too!
By David Shaw, 9 December 2020
Here’s some gross science for you to get hands-on with! This gloopy recipe produces some amazing fake snot.
By David Shaw, 3 December 2020
This quiz is devoted to our flying (and sometimes flightless) feathered friends. Can you bring home a victory to feather your nest?
By David Shaw, 29 October 2020
By Krishitha Gopalakrishnan Have you noticed how you always seem to remember where you hid that chocolate bar but that apple you thought you’d packed for school suddenly seems to have disappeared? Don’t worry, it’s in our genes! It turns out that humans are better at recalling where junk food is.
By David Shaw, 23 September 2020
Although this theme is a bit funny, the questions are no joke. Can you get serious and ace this quiz?
By Jasmine Fellows, 21 August 2020
By Natalie Kikken Did you know that nails grow on a turtle’s flippers? At Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia, turtle nail clippings are providing new and exciting insights. CSIRO scientists can work out what turtles eat by analysing the chemicals in these nail samples.
By David Shaw, 14 August 2020
Paleontologists learn a lot from looking at bones. Assembling a skeleton can show how a creature moved, where they lived, and even how fast they were.
By David Shaw, 5 August 2020
When you think about a beehive, you might imagine it containing flat combs made of perfect hexagons. Except, that’s not the whole story. There are many different species of bees, and there are lots of ways that bees build their combs.
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