
Time for some super science trivia! This quiz has a selection from all the trivia questions we wrote in 2021. And if you’re hankering for more, you can get a new set of questions by reloading this web page!



Congratulations, you really know your science! If you want more science trivia, just hit the refresh button to get a new selection!

Oh dear, better luck next time! If you want to try again, just hit the refresh button to get a new selection of questions!

#1. There are 5 main elements that human hair is made of. Which of these is NOT in the top 5?

Human hair is mostly made of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and sulfur.

#2. If you use electricity to break water molecules apart, what chemicals do you end up with?

Water is made of hydrogen and oxygen atoms, and if you break it apart with electricity, you get oxygen gas and hydrogen gas.

#3. What do Hyposmocoma molluscivora caterpillars eat?

Hyposmocoma molluscivora caterpillars catch snails in their webs, and grow up to be moths.

#4. Which part of your digestive system absorbs dietary fibre?

Dietary fibre is a part of plant-based food that your body can’t digest. It helps to keep your digestive system healthy

#5. What part of a plant is a cactus spine?

Cactus spines are actually highly modified leaves!

#6. Which of these minerals is the softest?

In order from softest to hardest, it’s talc, quartz, topaz, and diamond.

#7. How did cane toads come to Australia?

Cane beetles were attacking sugar cane plants, so cane toads were introduced to eat them. Unfortunately, the cane toads caused lots of damage, and they didn’t even eat the cane beetles!

#8. The Todd River in Alice Springs is ephemeral, but what does ephemeral mean?

An ephemeral river only runs after rain. Most of the time it’s completely dry.

#9. Which is the thinnest layer of Earth’s structure?

Earth’s crust is only 15–20 kilometres thick on average, which is only a tiny fraction of Earth’s 6371-kilometre radius.

#10. How many lightning strikes happen every second on Earth?

NASA estimates there are around 100 flashes of lightning every second!

Was I right?

Past megaquizzes

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