Time for some super science trivia! This quiz has a selection from all the trivia questions we wrote in 2021. And if you’re hankering for more, you can get a new set of questions by reloading this web page!
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#1. When a river goes around a bend, where does it erode fastest?
Rivers erode fastest on the outside of a bend. Over time, this makes bendy rivers even bendier.
#2. Which of these is a chemical found in paper?
Paper is made from cellulose, a chemical that comes from wood, rags, plants and algae.
#3. Where would you find a patella bone?
The patella is a kneecap.
#4. What word is used to describe a tree that loses its leaves every year?
Deciduous trees lose their leaves every year.
#5. How many ribs do people typically have?
Most people have 12 pairs of ribs, but some people have more or fewer ribs.
#6. Which period ended with a gigantic asteroid impact and the end of the dinosaurs?
The Cretaceous period ended about 65 million years ago with a huge asteroid impact, massive volcanic eruptions, and the extinction of the dinosaurs.
#7. Which of the following tardigrade facts is false?
Some tardigrades can survive at temperatures of 150° C, but lava is much hotter, around 700° C–1,200° C.
#8. The electricity that comes from a power point is AC, but what does that stand for?
Alternating current electricity keeps reversing the direction that the current flows.
#9. Marshmallows are a delicious treat, but what are they named after?
Marshmallow was originally made from the root of a mallow plant (Althaea officinalis), which grows in the marshes.
#10. What’s the chemical symbol for silver?
Silver is called argentum in Latin, which is why it has the symbol Ag. It’s also what the country Argentina is named after!
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