
This quiz is tied up with a rainbow! Can you earn that pot of gold? Or have you bitten off more than you can hue?


#1. What part of your eye senses colour?

The retina is where all your light-sensing nerves are, including the colour-sensing ones. The eyelid just covers the eye. The iris is the colourful part of your eye but it does not sense colour.

#2. True or false? Some flowers make colours that cannot be seen by humans.

True, many pollinators (like bees) can see colours that humans can’t, such as ultraviolet colours. To attract these pollinators, many flowers have ultraviolet patterns on their petals.

#3. What pigment is responsible for making plants look green?

Chlorophyll is the pigment responsible for photosynthesis and it powers this process by absorbing red and blue light. This means it reflects green light back into our eyes.

#4. When working with paints, mixing two primary colours together makes a secondary colour. Which of the following is a secondary colour?

Red, blue, and yellow are the primary colours when working with paint. Mixing blue and yellow makes green, a secondary colour.

#5. What environmental conditions are needed for you to see a rainbow?

To see a normal rainbow, you need water droplets in the sky opposite to a sun that is close to the horizon. This way, the water acts like a prism and splits sunlight into all its colours.

Was I right?


Congratulations! You are a real science whiz!

Oh dear! Better brush up before the next quiz!

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