Start the new decade with a challenge! This megaquiz will test your knowledge of all the quizzes we wrote in 2018. The questions are randomly selected, so if you want more questions, you can just reload the page. Or head back to our 2019 megaquiz!
#1. In which month is Earth closest to the Sun?
The Earth’s orbit is not quite circular, and it gets closest to the Sun in early January at about 147 million kilometres away. Throughout the year it averages about 150 million kilometres from the Sun.
#2. What does a meteorologist study?
Meteorology is the study of the atmosphere and weather.
#3. Myxomatosis is very important for Australia’s economy, but what is it?
Myxomatosis was introduced to Australia in 1950 by the CSIRO to help control the estimated 600 million rabbits plaguing the country.
#4. What type of electric charge does an electron have?
Electrons have a negative electric charge, which means they flow out of the negative end of a battery and come in the positive end!
#5. Only one of the following metals is on the periodic table, but which one?
Zinc is element number 30 and has the symbol Zn. The other metals include more than one element.
#6. Does antimatter really exist?
Yes. Antimatter exists, and when matter and antimatter meet, they are both turned into energy.
#7. Where would you find the Sea of Tranquillity?
The Sea of Tranquillity is a large dark spot on the Moon.
#8. What is CSIRO researching to control the invasive wandering trad weed?
CSIRO has been testing a leaf smut fungus to ensure it will only affect the target weed, and not native plants.
#9. When do comets reach their highest speed?
Comets gain speed as they fall towards the Sun and lose speed as they fly away.
#10. When water starts to freeze, what symmetry do the crystals typically show?
Water crystals, including snowflakes, are often hexagonal.
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