By David Shaw, 4 November 2020
By Krishitha Gopalakrishnan Everything is related to science. Take your food for example. Carrots, burgers, ice-cream…you name it! Let’s see how well you know your food with a few questions!
By David Shaw, 8 April 2020
One of the perks of being a scientist is getting to name things. Can you decode these scientific names and get full marks?
By David Shaw, 2 January 2020
Start the new decade with a challenge! This megaquiz will test your knowledge of all the quizzes we wrote in 2018. The questions are randomly selected, so if you want more questions, you can just reload the page. Or head back to our 2019 megaquiz!
By David Shaw, 20 November 2019
This quiz has a lot of comparisons. From cosmic circles to considerable cats, can you work out the biggest?
12 months, 8 issues
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