
Looking for some science trivia? This is a random selection of questions from our 2022 quizzes. If you want more questions, reload this web page and we’ll fetch you a fresh batch!



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#1. What is the highest number of legs ever found on a millipede?

The word millipede means ‘a thousand feet’, but the first millipede with more than 1,000 legs was first recorded scientifically in 2021.

#2. Flatus (FLAY-tuss) is the scientific name for what fluffy phenomenon?

Flatus is the scientific name for farts! Fart gas is a mixture of gases coming from digestion, fermentation and swallowed air.

#3. One of the essential minerals in the human body is salt. How much salt (NaCl) is in the average adult human body?

The average adult human body contains about 250 grams of salt, roughly the weight of a block of butter. If you don’t have enough salt, your body suffers an electrolyte imbalance called hyponatremia.

#4. True or false? Scorpions will glow if you shine ultraviolet (UV) light on them.

True. Scientists aren’t sure why scorpions fluoresce or glow under UV light. It might help them hunt, or find a mate, or to sense when they’re in in sunlight during the day.

#5. What does a sphygmomanometer measure?

A sphygmomanometer measures blood pressure, typically in millimetres of mercury (mm/Hg).

#6. What unit of length is equivalent to approximately 3.26 light years?

A parsec is about 3.26 light years. The term comes from how the distance is measured. It’s the distance at which a star would have a parallax of one arc second.

#7. In a symphony orchestra, which instruments are biggest?

Low notes have long wavelengths, so they need long instruments for the sound waves to resonate in.

#8. What colour is the sky during the daytime on the Moon?

The blue sky on Earth is caused by light scattering through air. There’s no air on the Moon, so the sky is always black.

#9. Where are a cricket’s ears located?

The ears of a cricket are located on the front legs, just below the knee.

#10. Which colour is usually on the outside of a rainbow?

Red light is on the outside of most rainbows. If you get a double rainbow though, the red will be on the inside of the second rainbow!

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