
Looking for some science trivia? This is a random selection of questions from our 2022 quizzes. If you want more questions, reload this web page and we’ll fetch you a fresh batch!



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#1. Over the entire Earth, how many lightning strikes are there every minute?

There are about 100 lightning flashes on Earth every second, or 6,000 every minute!

#2. Where do astronauts on the International Space Station get their water from?

It’s expensive to launch things into space, so astronauts recycle as much as they can, including drinking water!

#3. Flatus (FLAY-tuss) is the scientific name for what fluffy phenomenon?

Flatus is the scientific name for farts! Fart gas is a mixture of gases coming from digestion, fermentation and swallowed air.

#4. What does a sphygmomanometer measure?

A sphygmomanometer measures blood pressure, typically in millimetres of mercury (mm/Hg).

#5. Barry Allen – The Flash – is said to be able to run at Mach 3.3. If that was possible, how fast would that be in kilometres per hour (km/h)?

It varies with altitude and temperature, but Mach 1 is the speed of sound in air. That’s approximately 1,235 km/h (i.e. 343 metres per second). Mach 3.3 is 3.3 times the speed of sound in air, which is 4,075 km/h.

#6. What name do mathematicians use for a diamond shape, like on a playing card?

A rhombus is a 4-sided shape with all sides the same length, and it’s commonly called a diamond.

#7. By what common name are the ‘nares’ known?

Your nares are your nostrils.

#8. True or false? There are places known as ‘cleaning stations’, where large sea creatures go to get cleaned by smaller creatures.

True! Cleaner wrasses, cleaner gobies and cleaner shrimp all congregate at cleaning stations.

#9. How much energy is saved when you recycle aluminium, rather than mining and refining new metal?

You can recycle about 20 kilograms of aluminium with the energy it takes to mine and refine 1 kilogram of new aluminium.

#10. Which of these planets is known for the beautiful rings around it?

Saturn is known for its rings made up of billions of small chunks of rock and ice, plus other materials such as dust.

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