By David Shaw, 17 February 2022
By Louise Molloy The crust under your feet – it’s on the move! But we’re not talking about the edge of your toast. This crust is the outer layer of our planet. The Earth’s crust has been on the move for millions, and even billions, of years. There’s an exciting new theory looking at why […]
By David Shaw, 16 February 2022
Here is an acoustic quiz for you to sound out! Answer these questions and get some good vibrations.
By David Shaw, 3 February 2022
By Louise Molloy They’re very rare. They’re very fragile. They’re the amazing, fossil bearing rocks found at McGrath’s Flat in central NSW.
By David Shaw, 26 January 2022
By Beth Askham Why not try your hand at some food science? It’s as easy as apple pie to make these fruit straps. Then, pop the fruits of your work in your lunchbox as a sweet and delicious snack.
By David Shaw, 12 January 2022
It’s time for a clean start to the new year! Can you keep your score sheet clean and get 5/5?
By David Shaw, 29 December 2021
The votes are in! Here are our most popular posts from 2021, including news, activities and brainteasers. There’s sure to be something here to tickle your fancy!
By David Shaw, 22 December 2021
83 The number of confirmed moons of Saturn 7 The number of vehicles with wheels that have driven on the Moon 38 The number of millimetres further away the Moon gets, every year 12 The number of people who have flown to the Moon, but never walked on it 1410 Distance […]
By Jasmine Fellows, 15 December 2021
By Celia Berrell Cutting through tree trunks from bark to bark, we’ll see lots of circles in light wood and dark.
By David Shaw, 8 December 2021
Have you ever watched a bird landing in a tree? Somehow, they manage to stop flying, grab on to a branch and balance all at once. Now, thanks to a team of researchers from Stanford University in the United States, there’s a robot that can do the same!
By David Shaw, 3 December 2021
This quiz is all about breaking things apart. From division to composting, see if you can rip and tear your way through this quiz!
12 months, 8 issues
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