By Jasmine Fellows, 18 July 2013
This August, get involved in National Science Week! Why not host your own science quiz night? Here are some questions and answers to help you get started.
By David Shaw, 10 July 2013
Three and five. Five and seven. Eleven and thirteen. Prime numbers often appear as twins, only two apart. For hundreds of years, mathematicians have wondered – is there a biggest pair of twin primes, or does the list of twins keep going forever?
By David Shaw, 9 July 2013
In the last decade, services such as Facebook have provided scientists with lots of information about current friendship links. However, they tell us little about historical friendships. So what might be the structure of an Ancient Greek social network?
By David Shaw, 18 June 2013
How did people multiply before calculators were invented? You could try doing it in your head, but you could also use a mechanical calculator, such as this set of Napier’s bones.
By David Shaw, 21 May 2013
Here’s a fun puzzle! It’s a maze with no walls. So what’s keeping you on track? Well, this maze is made of arrows – it’s an arrow maze!
By David Shaw, 25 April 2013
Anzac Day is the time to stick a sprig of rosemary in your hat, watch the dawn service and bake a batch of Anzac biscuits. While I was baking these biscuits, I noticed some strange things going on.
By David Shaw, 23 April 2013
Check out this trick! By colouring in boxes, you can make a strange blobby picture that transforms when reflected in a curvy mirror!
By David Shaw, 14 March 2013
The measurements in this recipe are in non-metric units. You will need to change them into metric before you can make the recipe!
Pizzas come in a range of sizes. If you’ve ever wondered whether to get one big or two small pizzas, this experiment might be able to help!
By David Shaw, 12 March 2013
You may have heard of a mysterious mathematical shape with only one side called the Mobius strip. You can make your own, with a zipper, needle and thread!
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