This August, get involved in National Science Week! Why not host your own science quiz night? Here are some questions and answers to help you get started.
The amount of organisation required for your quiz night depends on how many people you want to involve. For a large event, you will need to nominate a quizmaster, organise some judges to mark the quiz, and invite participants. For a small event, you could be the organiser, quizmaster and judge all by yourself.
This quiz consists of eight rounds with a total of 45 questions. It can be played by groups or individuals, and is suitable for all ages. The aim is to have fun!
You will need
- Each individual or group will need one answer sheet and pens or pencils.
- The quizmaster will need the questions and answers.
- The judges will need the questions and answers, as well as a tally sheet and pens or pencils to record the results.
What to do
1. Before you start the quiz, ask each team to provide the judges with a team name for the tally sheet. A fun option is to allow the teams to look at the category headings (but not the questions) and nominate one round in which they can score double points.
2. After a set number of rounds, one contestant returns the answer sheet to the quizmaster, who marks it and tallies the score on the tally sheet. You might like to organise a fun activity to do while the judges are marking the answers. After tallying is complete, the winner can be announced.
3. In the event of a tie, it is a good idea to have a tie-breaker up your sleeve. This can be another question, or an activity you would like the teams to do.
Check out National Science Week events in your area!
This article is from The Helix August–September 2013.
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