
Extra! Extra! Read all about Double Helix Extra’s most eye-grabbing headlines from 2023:

  1. Turtles like it moon-side up but why? The reasons required scientists to globetrot, but you can arrive at the conclusions here!
Turtle on a rock

2. What can you do if high school work experience programs don’t inspire you? Why, Pioneer the future of food!

Female scientists wearing safety clothing and looking at petri dishes.

3. How the heck are Puzzles a breeze for bees? Are bees teaching each other? The answer may surprise you.

4. Step aboard CSIRO’s RV Investigator and Meet Australia’s newest sharks. You might find that these sharks pose more questions than answers…

5. And finally, the most popular news story from 2023 is A garden of knowledge: Indigenous plants go digital. Read on to see why!

Small green fruit hanging on a plant.

As a bonus, one of our most popular post categories is sustainability. As you enjoy your holidays, consider taking some time to care for our shared planet.

  • Clothing rescue: Charity bins are great, but there are plenty more ways to reduce clothing waste
Pile of clothes.
  • Litter scavenger hunt: Learn about the litter in your area, and do a bit of a clean-up at the same time!
Person carrying a cardboard box full of recycling materials.

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