Now is the perfect time to brush up on your paper plane skills! We’ve collected a few quick and easy designs for you to try, from a looping master to a super-fast dart with a twist.
There are three designs for you to choose from:
Tips and tricks
To get the most out of a paper plane, you might need to tweak it a little. Here are some things you can change, and what those changes might do.
- Curling the back of the wings upwards will give the plane more lift. If your plane dives, more lift can help, but too much lift will make it climb, stop and fall. If you want to do loops, you’ll need a lot of lift.
- If your plane veers to the side, you can try curling the inside wing upwards to give it more lift.
- To keep your plane moving in a straight line, look at your plane from the front and adjust the wings so they form a Y shape rather than a T or ↑.
- A heavy nose is important for stability, so the plane flies flat. You can make the nose heavier by folding it over, or adding a paperclip. If you look at real planes, the wings are usually behind the middle of the plane – making the nose heavier than the tail!
- Folding up the wing tips can increase manoeuvrability. Plus, it looks cool!
- You can add a tail to your plane by folding diagonally at the back, and then pushing the flap up through the plane.
- If your plane still doesn’t fly, scrunch it into a ball, and it’ll fly surprisingly well!
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