Difficulty: Tricky
Kimya the giraffe can eat a bale of hay in 3 days. Little Azizi can eat a bale of hay in 6 days. If they both share a bale of hay, how long would it last? Image: ©iStock.com/romikmk
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Brainteaser hint
Imagine a bale of hay weighs 60 kilograms. How much does Kimya eat in a day? How about Azizi?
Brainteaser answer
Azizi eats one bale of hay in 6 days, or 1/6 of a bale per day.
Kimya eats one bale of hay in 3 days, or 1/3 of a bale per day. 1/3 is the same as 2/6.
Together, Azizi and Kimya eat 1/6 + 2/6 = 3/6 = 1/2 of a bale of hay each day. That means it will take them
2 days to eat the whole bale.
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