By Chenxin Tu, 28 June 2023
The Australian Catholic University (ACU) has an engaging Indigenous garden in Queensland for students to learn about Country. Recently, ACU transformed the garden into a digital space to help people from anywhere learn about plants, recipes, and STEM.
By Ariel Marcy, 21 June 2023
Get a rise out of your dough with a simple acid-base reaction!
By Chenxin Tu, 15 June 2023
From medicines, food, fuel and emotional support, plants play important roles in our lives. However, up to 50% of flowering plants and trees could disappear if we don’t act.
By Chenxin Tu, 14 June 2023
14 June is World Blood Donor Day so you’d best B positive about our quiz. Take your time and your answers won’t be in vein… Get a 5/5 and you’ll earn a big coagulation!
By Chenxin Tu, 7 June 2023
Annie from our Sustainability Squad grows and sells succulents for a good cause. She donates her profits to help Australians living in remote and disadvantaged communities get access to fresh fruit and veggies. In this activity, you’ll learn how to become a pro at growing succulents like Annie. Safety: When you are working outdoors, stay […]
By Chenxin Tu, 1 June 2023
Who knew fish poo could be a key to restoring coral reef health? In a study by Dr Grupstra’s team from Rice University in the United States, they found that poo from coral-eating fish contain microbes that can help corals thrive.
By Chenxin Tu, 31 May 2023
A quiz like this can really re-grow on you! Can you score a 5/5 or will four-ever be good enough?
By Ariel Marcy, 25 May 2023
Bakers have used yeast to make bread for millennia! We now know why it works and how a little sweetness goes a long way. Safety: When dealing with food, use clean hands and clean equipment. Be careful when using the oven by wearing oven mitts and ask an adult to help you out.
By Chenxin Tu, 18 May 2023
The average Australian throws out about 23 kilograms of clothes each year. Most of that rubbish goes straight to the tip, and it can take hundreds of years for those old clothes to completely break down. Even worse, as they break down, old clothes release greenhouse gases!
By Ariel Marcy, 17 May 2023
There’s nothing like a pretty flower to brighten your day. Will this quiz brighten yours when you get full marks?
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