By David Shaw, 15 July 2020
Get in fast to do this quiz! For better or worse, we’re looking at some things that are almost gone.
By David Shaw, 2 July 2020
Penguins come in many shapes and sizes, from little penguins all the way up to kings and emperors. But millions of years ago, penguins were even bigger, and studying these gigantic birds can teach us a lot about evolution.
By David Shaw, 1 July 2020
Scientists aim for accuracy, but it’s not always possible to be exactly right. This quiz is all about getting close, and not always close enough! So how close to full marks can you get?
By David Shaw, 18 June 2020
By Hannah Evans The depths of oceans are mysterious. Since Earth’s surface is covered by over 70% ocean, there is a lot to explore. But during a pandemic, it’s a bad idea to fill a research ship with scientists from around the world. Many research ships have stopped sailing, but not all of them!
By David Shaw, 17 June 2020
There are some giant things lurking in these questions. Some of them are easy to spot, and others are hidden. Can you uncover all the answers?
By David Shaw, 4 June 2020
By Andrea Wild Imagine you’re a scientist working on SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing the disease COVID-19. Your lab is at the Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness (ACDP) in Geelong, Victoria.
By David Shaw, 28 May 2020
Written by Natalie Kikken To honour World Oceans Day 8 June, get crafty by making your own 3D grey nurse shark.
By David Shaw, 21 May 2020
By Andrea Wild Are killer hornets really on the loose in North America? Asian Giant Hornets are a species of wasp, Vespa mandarinia. They normally live in Japan, China and Southeast Asia. But late last year they arrived in Canada and the USA, probably inside a shipping container. It only takes one hornet to start […]
By David Shaw, 1 May 2020
Here’s a fun, creative project that will help you explore some of the science around the virus SARS-CoV-2. That’s the virus that causes the disease COVID-19. We’re going to make a bracelet using the genetic sequence of the virus!
By David Shaw, 15 April 2020
If you’re looking for clearly explained science and interesting activities, you’ve come to the right place. This is where we keep all our COVID-19 news, as well as some great science to do if you’re stuck at home.
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