By Jasmine Fellows, 26 March 2013
Written by Deb Hodgkin Looking for a fun and colourful science activity to do? Try making these egg geodes!
By Pat, 20 March 2013
Here’s a tasty way to think about tectonics! Learn where many mountains come from, and at the same time, make yourself a delicious pancake breakfast.
By David Shaw, 14 March 2013
The measurements in this recipe are in non-metric units. You will need to change them into metric before you can make the recipe!
Pizzas come in a range of sizes. If you’ve ever wondered whether to get one big or two small pizzas, this experiment might be able to help!
By David Shaw, 12 March 2013
You may have heard of a mysterious mathematical shape with only one side called the Mobius strip. You can make your own, with a zipper, needle and thread!
By David Shaw, 26 February 2013
Round circular graphs are known as pie charts. That name gave us an idea – what if they were made from pies?
By Pat, 23 February 2013
Symmetry can be tricky, especially when you’re a chemist. Grab some plasticine and discover why a mirror doesn’t always make a perfect copy.
By Pat, 21 February 2013
Have you ever wanted to know how to skip stones across a lake? Wonder no more! with our handy guide you’ll be skipping in no time!
By David Shaw, 20 February 2013
You might think you’ve got a good handle on distance. But not all things measure distance the same way – what if you were a chess piece?
By David Shaw, 16 February 2013
There are some pretty amazing patterns lurking in nature. Do a bit of arithmetic and master the Fibonacci sequence, and then see where you can find it!
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