Time to test your scientific mettle. This week we’re asking questions about everything from tiny butterfly legs to huge continents. Good luck!
#1. Which is larger? Australia or Antarctica?
Antarctica is nearly twice as large as Australia.
#2. What plastic are soft drink bottles typically made of?
Soft drink bottles are commonly made from PET, a strong, watertight plastic that’s easy to recycle.
#3. How many legs does a butterfly have?
Butterflies are insects, and like all insects, they have six legs.
#4. Which of the following would a herpetologist study?
Herpetologists study reptiles and amphibians, including lizards, turtles and frogs.
#5. Order these objects from closest to farthest away from Earth: the International Space Station (ISS), the National Broadband Network’s Sky Muster satellites, the Moon.
The ISS is about 400 kilometres from Earth, the Sky Muster satellites are in geostationary orbit, about 40 000 kilometres away and the Moon is about 400 000 kilometres away.
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