Avoid electrocution – leave powerlines to the birds
Credit: ©iStock.com/itpow
Double Helix magazine is looking for your questions! Our Microscope column answers the most intriguing science, tech, engineering and maths queries you can throw at us.
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Kyouka asks: How can birds sit on electrical lines without being electrocuted?
When it comes to describing electricity, there are three words you need to know – current, resistance and voltage.
Current is how many electrons are zipping by every second. Resistance describes how hard it is for the electrons to move. And voltage is a measure of the tug of war over the electrons between two points.
Imagine a super-strong team of people tugging hard on a rope. If they didn’t have much resistance, the rope would slide quickly through their hands and have a fast current.
A bird sitting on a power line isn’t part of the voltage tug of war inside the wire, so it’s fairly safe … unless it sits on two wires! If that happens, it can create a ‘short’ circuit. The bird becomes part of a new tug of war, where the electrons are pulled down one wire, through the poor bird, and into the second wire.
Sometimes, if a difference in voltage between any two points is big enough, a short circuit can form through the air and reach the ground. So it’s a good thing powerlines are high overhead or underground. Always stay clear – and leave them to the birds.
Answer written by Mike McRae
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